Mali: Assimi Goïta promulgates the new Constitution and announces a new beginning

This promulgation paves the way for the birth of Mali’s 4th Republic, declared Colonel Assimi Goïta in a speech to the Nation.

On Saturday evening, Colonel Assimi Goïta, President of Mali’s Transition, promulgated Mali’s new Constitution, which had been the subject of a referendum on June 18 and accepted by the Malian people with a resounding 96.91%.

“It is with great pride and hope that I have just signed the text of the Constitution adopted by the people in the referendum of June 18, 2023, the final results of which were proclaimed by the Constitutional Court on July 21,” said Goïta in an address to the Malian people.

According to him, “the demand made by the people during the national refoundation conference has just been fulfilled by this signature, which constitutes the culmination of a truly historic process during which our people demonstrated their great maturity and their high sense of responsibility”, before adding that “the act of promulgating the Constitution (…) thus paves the way for the birth of the 4th Republic of Mali”.

“At the end of the referendum, the people voted for the new Constitution with a significant majority of 96.91% of the votes cast. This is indisputable proof of the Malian people’s desire to give themselves a new chance for a fresh start”, he recalled.

Colonel Assimi Goïta acknowledged “that the draft Constitution had given rise to a great deal of discussion during the referendum campaign”, asserting that he included “all those who, for various reasons, spoke out against its adoption”.

“In any case, everyone expressed themselves as they should in a democratic debate, without any censorship, using all existing means of communication. Now that the people have spoken, there is no question of one group winning out over another,” he said.

In addition, Goïta explained that “the new Constitution lays the foundations for a democratic system that feeds on an endogenous and social vision, while enriching it with external contributions. We have demonstrated that we can modernize our State without denying ourselves.

“With this new Constitution, Mali is making a new start, that of Mali Kura, in which we will together build a strong economy to meet the needs of our citizens. As we have already begun to do, this will involve creating the conditions for internal economic growth based on new technologies and on an industry that transforms our natural resources, taking into account the opportunities offered by the energy transition.

The new Constitution is opposed by the Malian League of Imams and Scholars for Islamic Solidarity in Mali (Limama) and the Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security and Development (CSP-PSD), which brings together Mali’s main armed groups in the north.

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