Mali: private school promoters reassure Education Minister about preparations for end-of-year exams

The end-of-year exams will kick off in a few days’ time. With a view to involving all players in the education sector in “the success of these exams”, the Minister of National Education, Amadou Sy Savané, invited private school promoters to a meeting on May 13, dedicated exclusively to exam preparations.

With just a few days to go before the anticipated CAP (Certificate of Professional Aptitude) exams, scheduled for May 17 to 22, Minister Savané received the heads of private schools in his department’s meeting room on Monday. And preparations for the 2024 end-of-year exams were on the agenda.

According to the Ministry’s press release, the aim of the meeting was to ”
to invite private school promoters to support the department in ensuring that the end-of-school-year examinations run smoothly, and to become more involved in their organization
“. These “
reiterated their willingness to support the efforts of the Minister and his staff in organizing the end-of-year exams.

The promoters of private schools expressed their satisfaction at the department’s invitation ”
to meet common challenges
“around the Malian school. The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss ”
several difficulties in the sector

As for Minister Savané, he insisted on ”
the effective involvement of all players to ensure that the exams run smoothly”.
“. And he was reassured by “the commitment and availability of the officials we met”.

End-of-year exams

The end of May sees the official start of the end-of-year exams, with the CAP written tests scheduled between Monday May 27 and Thursday May 30, 2024. For the Diplôme d’étude fondamentale – DEF, the physical tests (EPS: Education Physique et Sportive) start on May 17 and finish on May 31. And its written tests, from June 3 to 5, 2024.

Anticipated tests for the Brevet de technicien – BT are scheduled between June 3 and 8, 2024; and its written tests are set from Monday June 10 to Friday June 14, 2024.

For the Baccalauréat, the last exam on the schedule, its early tests will be held on June 20 and 21, 2024, and its written tests will take place from Monday June 24 to Thursday June 27, 2024. These dates apply to the technical and vocational baccalaureate as well as the general baccalaureate.

Mohamed Camara /©️


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