Mali: Minister of Transport announces “high risk of flooding” during the 2024 winter season

The Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Dembélé Madina Sissoko, informed the Council of Ministers on Wednesday May 15 of the high risk of flooding during this year’s winter period. In particular, it indicated in its communication that it expects “an average to late start” and “a late to average end to the season”.

Minister Sissoko pointed out that “
the forecast for the 2024 season presents the agro-hydro-meteorological and climatic characteristics in terms of rainfall quantities and runoff expected, with high risks of flooding.

Madina Sissoko referred to meteorological service forecasts, which indicate that ”
the 2024 rainy season will be characterized by rainfall higher than or equal to the climatological average for the 1991-2020 period”.
“. Before emphasizing that he is expected to “
an average to late start and a late to average end to the season

Rainfall breaks will be short to medium at the start of the season and medium to long at the end. Above-average runoff expected on all rivers in the country “she informed us.

To manage this rainfall situation, the Minister also indicated certain actions that the meteorological services will soon be carrying out, namely: ”
training and informing users in the various socio-economic sectors about the results of seasonal forecasts, with recommendations for dealing with them
“. These actions also concern
conducting induced rainfall operations in rain-deficit areas

As well as ” dissemination of decadal agro-hydrometeorological advice and guidance for rural producers; dissemination of decadal agro-hydrometeorological information bulletins for food security early warning authorities “and ” the distribution of weather forecasts and warnings to disaster prevention authorities

Mohamed Camara / ©️


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