Mali: BICIM Bank and Atlantique Assurances become AFG Bank & Assurances.


Banque Internationale pour le Commerce et l’Industrie au Mali (BICIM), formerly a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, which has been present in Mali for 25 years, has changed its name and visual identity, joining the Atlantic Financial Group. With Atlantique Assurances, another Group subsidiary, they become AFG Bank & Assurances. The rebranding ceremony took place on Thursday May 9 in Bamako, presided over by the Minister of Industry and Trade, Moussa Alassane Diallo.

Something big is coming
…”. This phase, displayed on billboards, must have aroused the curiosity of many Bamakois. And Ben, the veil is lifted. This involves the rebranding of Banque Internationale pour le Commerce et l’Industrie au Mali (BICIM) and Atlantique Assurances, two subsidiaries of Atlantic Financial Group (AFG). They officially become AFG Bank & Assurances. AFG’s values are reflected in the new logo, which has now been adopted by all subsidiaries.

AFG Group is active in the French-speaking banking sector and currently has 6 banking subsidiaries, 5 insurance subsidiaries, two merchant banks (AFG Capital CEMAC & Ile Maurice) and a technology entity (Digital Business Solutions).

According to the group’s founder, Ivorian Dossongui Koné, ”The changeover from BICIM and Atlantique Assurances to AFG Bank and AFG Assurances respectively involves more than just a change of logo or color. It’s an opportunity for us to redefine our identity, strengthen our commitment to our customers and reaffirm our market positioning.”. He believes that our ambition is to stand out with a strong visual identity,
Lastly, we are delivering a level of service that matches our ambitions.

According to Niamé Traoré, head of the now defunct BICIM, ”
this name change offers the formidable opportunity to write a new page in the bank’s history and lead it into the next stage of its growth strategy

A bold step towards the evolution of the Malian banking sector”.

In the presence of banking sector players, the Minister of Industry and Commerce congratulated AFG Bank & Assurance on “this bold metamorphosis”.
this bold metamorphosis”, which he said had strengthened the country’s economic and financial fabric.
”. In his speech, Minister Moussa Alassane Diallo emphasized that ”.the need for a systemic break in credit-granting methods, emphasizing in-depth risk analysis and in-depth knowledge of customers and their markets”. He stressed the need for banks to play an active role in supporting SMEs. The latter are, in his view, the real driving force behind the Malian economy.

Adding that ”
it is crucially important to pay particular attention to integrity and transparency in all banking activities”.
”. He also pointed out that over 80% of Malian businesses are SMEs, which often face structuring challenges. To deal with this, he called for ”…
innovative, tailored solutions to boost the banking sector and stimulate economic growth at all levels

For their part, the directors of AFG Bank & Assurances have pledged to play a leading role in this transformation, while promising to provide “innovative and personalized” solutions to meet the diverse needs of Malian businesses and individuals alike.

Adama Tembely/©️


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