Mali already in the colors of Africa Day festivities

Activities to celebrate Africa Day, commemorated every May 25, were officially launched on Monday May 13 at the foot of Bamako’s Tour de l’Afrique monument by the Minister of Culture, Andogoly Guindo. This event, marked by poems and passionate speeches on the importance of African unity and regional integration, aims to promote integration through culture and education. The occasion was used to launch the educational activities of the Tour de l’Afrique.

The tone is set for the celebration of Africa Day with the launch of educational activities at the Tour de l’Afrique. They will focus on innovative educational and cultural projects, such as the literary competition and the online learning path on the “Tiyabou” platform. Now in its 8th year, the “parcours pédagogique” is a program designed to educate young people (schoolchildren and students) about Pan-Africanism. In addition to educational activities, the program includes a pan-African literature component, enabling young people to express themselves through poems published in a collection edited by the Tour de l’Afrique. The event was marked by the screening of a magazine film on the history of African unity and the importance of the African Tower.

In his opening speech, Minister Guindo underlined Mali’s role in promoting African unity, before paying tribute to the heroes of the events of May 25 1963. He then developed this year’s theme, “The Alliance of Sahel States: an instrument at the service of pan-Africanism”. The Minister of Culture also took the opportunity to urge participants to embrace the ideals of Pan-Africanism for the harmonious and sustainable development of the continent, ”.
our country has always been committed to African unity, hence the creation of this monument which reflects the unity and richness of Africa
he stressed.

As head of the department in charge of African integration, Minister Mossa Ag Attaher took part in the ceremony alongside his counterpart in charge of culture. He welcomed the drive for integration of African peoples, mentioning that Mali has always been committed to African unity, as illustrated by article 180 of the constitution of July 22, 2023, which stipulates that ”
Mali is ready to give up all or part of its sovereignty for African unity

The Tour de l’Afrique is an architectural assemblage located at the junction of routes nationales (RN) 6 and 7 in commune VI of the Bamako district. It is designed to bring Africans together around an ideal that can be summed up as the realization of a united Africa. Remember that since 2016, the Tour de l’Afrique has been organizing an educational tour, to raise awareness and inform pupils and students about the need for a united Africa.

Adama Tembely/©️


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