Communiqué of the Council of Ministers of Thursday, May 02, 2024

Communiqué du Conseil des Ministres

The Council of Ministers met in ordinary session on Thursday, May 02, 2024, in its deliberation room at Koulouba Palace, under the chairmanship of Colonel Assimi GOITA, President of the Transition, Head of State.

Having considered the items on the agenda, the Board :

  • adopted draft texts ;
  • and heard communications.


On the report of the Minister of the Economy and Finance, the Council of Ministers has adopted :

a. a draft decree approving the contract for the 2×2 lane upgrading of the Bamako-Koulouba-Kati section (11.481 km) of the RR9, the access ramp to Point G (1.7 km), 7 km of roads in Kati and the Rond-point GMS- Samé-Kati section (9.3 km).

The contract for the construction of the Bamako-Koulouba-Kati section, Route Régionale n°9, the access ramp to Point G, 7 km of roadways in Kati and the Rond-point GMS-Samé-Kati section is signed between the Government of the Republic of Mali and the company COVEC-Mali, for a sum of 92 billion 661 million 945 thousand 897 F CFA, including all taxes, and a performance period of thirty-six (36) months.

Completion of this work will help improve transport conditions for people and their goods, and promote the national economy.

b. a draft decree instituting the payment of fees for declaratory, certification and approval formalities submitted to the Personal Data Protection Authority.

The meteoric rise of digital technology, the widespread use of digital applications for tracking and processing biometric and health data, and the beginnings of the digital transformation of the public sector and the business world have raised the stakes for personal data protection.

In response, the government has created the Personal Data Protection Authority (APDP) to regulate the use of such data.

As part of this mission, it grants approvals for all data interconnections, and certifies companies and organizations on their level of compliance with personal data protection.

The draft decree institutes the payment of fees for declaratory, certification and approval formalities submitted to the Personal Data Protection Authority.


  1. The Minister of Labor, Civil Service and Social Dialogue has informed the Council of Ministers of the progress of the examinations for direct recruitment to the civil service in 2023.

The 5th and 6th competition days took place on April 27 and 28, 2024, in Bamako and the 6 regional centers. Days 7 and 8 will take place on May 04 and 05, 2024.

The bodies concerned are : Agents de Constatation des Douanes, Contrôleurs des Douanes, Contrôleurs des Impôts, Techniciens de Santé, Techniciens supérieurs de Santé, Médecins Pharmaciens Odontostomatologues, Ingénieurs sanitaires et Assistants médicaux.

  1. The Minister for Malians Living Abroad and African Integration informed the Council of Ministers :

a. the participation of Malians living abroad in the Inter-Malian Dialogue for Peace and National Reconciliation.

Malians living abroad actively participated in the dialogue, notably in the drafting of the Terms of Reference, the national validation workshop and the consultation phase in Mali’s embassies and consulates.

Over and above general questions about governance in our country, they also discussed their specific concerns and made a number of pertinent recommendations.

The participation of the Malian diaspora is an expression of the Transition authorities’ recognition of their contribution to the country’s development.

b. the organization of National African Integration Week, scheduled for May 25-31, 2024.

National African Integration Week was instituted by Decree n°2021-0243/PT-RM of April 08, 2021. The theme chosen for this year by the African Union is: “Educating an African fit for the 21st century”.

May 25, under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, will be an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of Pan-Africanism, through proven leadership in the creation of regional and sub-regional organizations.

In addition to educational, cultural, artistic and sporting events, conferences, debates and workshops, the African Colors will be raised at the Tour de l’Afrique in the presence of members of the government, members of the diplomatic corps, African communities resident in Mali and the Youth of the African Union.

  1. The Minister of Agriculture informed the Council of Ministers of Mali’s participation in the 33rd Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Africa in Rabat, Morocco, and in the 16th edition of the Moroccan International Agricultural Show in Meknes.

The Regional Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), held from April 18 to 20, 2024, under the theme “Resilient agrifood systems and inclusive rural transformation” proved to be a forum for participants to exchange experiences on country programs/projects aimed at accelerating the transformation of agrifood systems and supporting rural development.

On the sidelines of the Conference, our country obtained FAO support for a program to promote the cereals sector.

The Minister of Agriculture also took part in the 16th International Agricultural Show in Meknes on April 22, 2024, and in the annual Ministerial Conference of the “Adapting African Agriculture to Climate Change” initiative.

  1. The Minister of Communication, Digital Economy and Modernization of Administration informed the Council of Ministers of the organization of the2nd edition of Digital Week, from June 25 to 27, 2024, with Niger as guest of honor.

Digital Week” is an opportunity for all players in the Information and Communication Technologies sector to meet and exchange ideas. It offers opportunities for cooperation and collaboration, fostering the emergence of a truly digital economy.

Like the other countries of the Alliance of Sahel States, Mali will be organizing its2nd edition under the theme “Information and Communication Technologies as a factor of resilience in the face of the multifaceted crisis in the Sahel: opportunities and challenges”.

This year’s event, whose overall aim is to set up a framework for permanent exchange between all players in the sector to promote competitiveness, creativity and the showcasing of Malian know-how, will see the participation of Burkina Faso and Niger.

  1. The Minister of Religious Affairs, Worship and Customs informed the Council of Ministers of Mali’s participation in the Consultation Summit of Muslim Scholars from around the world.

The Consultation Summit of Muslim Scholars from around the world is scheduled for May 13-14, 2024, in Istanbul, Turkey. The objectives include

  • assessing the problems facing the Muslim world and finding solutions;
  • developing institutional relations and strengthening unity and solidarity.

Mali’s participation in the Summit will provide an opportunity to share its vision of tolerance, moderation, acceptance of others and coexistence in the Islamic religion, and to strengthen ties of cooperation with Türkiye.

  1. The Minister of Health and Social Development informed the Council of Ministers :

6.1. Mali’s participation in the 27th International Review Meeting of Guinea Worm Eradication Program Managers in Atlanta, April 17-19, 2024.

The overall aim of the meeting was to bring together program coordinators, government representatives, partners and donors to assess the 2023 implementation of Guinea Worm Eradication Programs.

The specific aim was to present the achievements and challenges encountered in implementing Guinea Worm disease eradication programs in 2023 in Chad, Cameroon, Mali, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Angola, and the priorities for 2024.

6.2. the country’s epidemiological situation, in particular :

  1. by a stagnation in the number of positive cases of Coronavirus disease compared to the previous week;
  2. by a decrease in the number of confirmed cases of dengue compared with the previous week.

The President of the Transition, Head of State, has, however, called on the population to adhere strictly to disease prevention and control measures.

Bamako, May 02, 2024

The Secretary General of the Government,



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